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Showing posts from December, 2017

Do you celebrate the things you have?

Everyone has something to revel. It’s just that people are either oblivious or so self-restrained that they never let themselves go enough to savour it. Until later, I too was one such person. To me, gratitude is the sincerest form of celebration. I have been grateful for many people in my life. However, I had no memory of being thankful for any of the things I possessed. Fortune and misfortune come and go as they please. I was ignorant of it. Too late came the dawning realization, after I unwittingly lost the most of what I had in my hold. So as all say, it's better to acknowledge the things you have before you regret after losing them. To be grateful for anything is to be aware of its value: physically, mentally and emotionally. The more I rejoiced, the more I became conscious of the abundance that I had and began to indulge further in my daily life. Every once in a while, I take time to recollect the happenings in my life and pen them down. Sometimes, I even

Chicago Typewriter - An exceptional for its kind.

For someone who always shuns that (periodical) side of K-dramas entirely, Chicago Typewriter not only came as a surprisingly high-quality entertainment but also as an unforgettable experience. I feel like it's wrong for me to not write a review for this. Therefore, here I go. For the first time, in my long journey of watching dramas, I felt my heart racing at the beginning of each episode. The first and highest of many praises must be given to the brilliant writer, Jin Soo Wan. Her past works including Kill Me, Heal Me and The Moon Embracing the Sun are my favourites. But this script of hers is a notch higher. They got me from the very first scene. The idea of a writer getting into his character by living as one hooked me instantly. After that, the thought of "quitting" never once came into my mind throughout the drama. TITLE: "Chicago Typewriter" - The title came from the name of a gun which sounds like a typewriter when it is being fired. GENR