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Showing posts from September, 2017

Why should you be reading?

Is reading an important skill? Yes. That is how we generally gain knowledge, acquire wisdom, learn things, get to see, and last but not least, evolve . Is reading the most important ? Not necessarily. Reading is not everyone's cup of tea. One might start to dislike reading at any point in their life. No one is going to force anyone otherwise. Yet, one can get imbued with the significance of it. Reading is simply one among the various means to find out, escape, and luxuriate in. For all I know, people have been doing all that in whichever way they like. So it’s not something one has to compel themself to try. If it is so, then why should you read? Why do you listen to music? Because it does something to you that no other means can do. Same goes with the reading too.  Infact, it is one among the most indispensable forms of entertainment. At least for millions of people, if not for all. The effect of finishing a novel lasts longer than that of finishing a movie or a drama. It’s